“My mission is clear: to make Indiana a shining example of what a conservative state can achieve—a place where every Hoosier has the opportunity to thrive.”

- Micah Beckwith

Primary Initiatives

Agriculture & Rural Communities

Micah is committed to expanding our state’s $18 billion agriculture industry by helping farmers and protecting our farmland.  

  • Our farmers feed the world with millions of acres of crops, livestock, and poultry and Micah will fight against foreign ownership of Hoosier land.   

  • Micah will be the helping hand our farmers need to grow and preserve this way of life for the next generation.

Future Generations

Micah knows how strong families are the foundation of a healthy society.  

  • He will use his role to continue to educate people on the importance of protecting life at all stages. 

  • Micah has already proven his willingness to take the arrows from the media when protecting our children and standing up for parental rights.

Constitutional Conservative Rights

Micah will never waver when it comes to defending every Hoosier’s rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  

  • He will be the strong advocate needed to stand up for our conservative values. 

  • He will be our trusted voice.

Hoosier Taxes

As a family man, Micah knows how hard inflation has been for Hoosiers.  

  • As our Lt. Governor, Micah is committed to using his influence to help lower taxes and reduce the size of state government.  

  • He will make taxpayers a priority.